Dr. Mira Peled
Head of Life Science
Dr. Peled, President of Peaks Ventures , has extensive academic and biotech research experience in basic sciences as well as biotechnology and biomedical devices. Dr. Peled was the Co-Founder & CEO of Applied Immune Technologies (AIT) Ltd. that was acquired by Adicet Bio Inc. in 2016, the Co-Founder and CEO of BioMimic Pharma that was acquired by MannKind Corporation Inc. in 2006 ; has worked for leading Israeli biotech companies including Biotechnology General and Interpharm; and has been involved in establishing a number of start-ups. She currently serves as a consultant to biotech start-up companies, manage the activity (music and fine art) of the artist David D’or in the USA. Dr. Peled received her PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from the Weizmann Institute of Science and completed her post-doctorate at the University of California, Berkeley.