
On December 22, 2016, Mr. Gal Mandelbaum, Operations Manager from Compass-LDD, a leading environmental restoration company, met with Ms. Liu Qin, Director of Business Development  to exchange ideas and further their relationship. Before the start of the training, Yuhuan and Compass LDD conducted a  site investigation and market analysis on soil remediation. Mr. Zhao Baojun, Chairman of the board of Yuhuan, said the soil remediation project management capacity will be main factor for competitive advantage, and that Yuhuan has been working to explore and build its own unique capabilities, and develop a localized business model. It’s his hope to combine advanced foreign methodologies into his organization.

During the training, Mr. Mandalbaum introduced Compass-LDD’s advanced site survey methodology, process and remediation technology.  He demonstrated the advantages on the application on passive soil gas sampling in the site investigation process, and other technologies such as slectrolytic bioremediation technology EBR® remediation for the petroleum hydrocarbons in the groundwater, Trichlorethylene (TCE) and methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE).

Yuhuan made clear their interest in these innovative technologies and desire to continue to move forward with Compass-LDD.Yuhuan and Compass signed a strategic cooperation agreement in October this year regarding solutions to chemical pollution, oil pollution, and remediation projects.